Project Description
The main idea of the Project is to keep the natural aspect of the site while realizing the comprehensive functional program. To achieve this, social facilities are terraced and set into the natural slope of the site, leaving their roofs for recreational activities and vegetation. This allowed for direct access from social facilities to outdoor spaces, which is not only a good opportunity to combine indoor&outdoor activies but also an important opportunity when considering emergency situations in heavily crowded social spaces. This concept also allowed for the North-eastern end of the site to be left clear, which opens both the indoor and outdoor spaces to the northern sea view. The building is designed as 3 parts consisting of dormitories to the West, classes to the east, and social facilities terraced and set into the natural slope of the site. Each dorm room is designed to accomodate 4 persons. Distinct dressing, sleeping and working spaces are designed in each room to prevent discomfort from each other. Every floor of the dormitory includes a two story high social gathering space with natural light and vegetation. The integration of these two story high spaces allows natural light and vegetation to penetrate into the building. Located dynamically and irregulary on the facade, they also express the buildings distinctive style. Expanding to 6 floors, the dormitory houses 300 students. Approached with a holistic view, the design integrates the distinct functions in the program, as well as the natural landscape of the site together.